3 min readOct 27, 2022

I saw this interesting post on twitter. It went like this, “I feel sorry for the modern man paying dowry. You’re paying for something that others have been getting for free.” Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho.

I liked that post. In less than 480 characters, this tweep outlined an issue, many men scratch the heads over, me included. I wanted to comment, but I find it hard to compress my thoughts into 480 characters. I am vast, like the high seas. And if I have something to say, I need space.

The issue is simple, female promiscuity. For stretches of society, female promiscuity has been frowned upon. But it still happened. Your great grandma cheated. Your grandma cheated. Your cute mom is probably cheating right now as you read this. Your SDA girlfriend is setting up a date with another ninja she met off Tinder. It’s a hard thought to stomach, but let’s be realistic, you can’t outfuck a woman.

Our societies have repressed our sexual side. We’ve been taught that sex is dirty & needs to happen in hide outs & this is the reason for all this neurosis. Back in pre-history, when we were still roaming the savannah as angulate primates, before we tasted the fruit of knowledge & exploded into history, I don’t think those tribes had issues with female sexual promiscuity. Why?

They probably engaged in mushroom & marijuana fueled orgies. The men even had no idea who their children were. Because every man slept with every woman & every woman slept with every man.

The problem arose when we discovered male paternity. Once the words, “my child”, were uttered, there has been no going back. This led to development of the ego. Now we want to claim everything as our own, women & children alike.

But again, when you look into nature, lions don’t tolerate female promiscuity. When a new Alpha lion takes over a pack, he proceeds to kill all the cubs not his own. The only reason they do this is to leave a genetic legacy, something many of us men, yours truly included we care about deeply, a genetic legacy.

A woman who sleeps around rocks this genetic legacy boat. We really don’t care about the lady sleeping around, but the idea of raising another man’s offspring, unknowingly, drives us nuts.

This was a source of great political tension in Mongolia after Gengis Khan died. They’re reports that his son, Jochi, was sired by another tribe when his wife had been captured. Were they going to allow an emperor not of their bloodline.

Anyway, who’s the real father? The man who deposited his seed in your mother? Or the man who steps up & guides you through life? Personally, I can’t step up, it’s not in me. How about you, bro? Can you step up?

Women have always been promiscuous and will always be. Women don’t understand honour, trust and it’s okay. It doesn’t serve them. Thus, I don’t judge a woman who rides the carousel. I understand her motivations. Can I be around such a woman? Hell no!

My debut book is available.




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